illustrator & textile designer


My  name is Anna Masini (aka Ninamasina) and I’m an illustrator, picture book maker and textile designer based in Milan, Italy

awards and selections

2020 * American Illustration 39, chosen winner
2019 * AI Annual, Italian illustration catalogue AI
2018 * 3×3 International Illustration Awards No.15, honorable mention
2018 * Hiii Brand 2017, nomination
2018 * Premio Andersen – best picture book for 0-6 old, shortlisted
2018 * Scelte di Classe – best picture book for 6-7 old, shortlisted
2017 * American Illustration 36, chosen winner
2016 * American Illustration 35, chosen winner
2016 * Creative Quarterly 43, illustration professional section
2016 * AI Annual, Italian illustration catalogue AI
2015 * Creative Quarterly 100 best Annual
2015 * Prix Petit Grain de Sel, Clin d’œil du Jury with the book Simon et Naslat
2014 * International Festival of Illustrated Books in Barcelona
2014 * Creative Quarterly 37, illustration professional section

selected clients and collaborations

Acea OnlusADL / ANPI / Associazione Montani / AVSI Foundation / Awesome Books / Bruaà Editora / Charity Children / CHEAP! Festival / Carthusia Edizioni / Ciasmo Atelier / Compagnia Dionisi / Creative Action Network / Dalcò Edizioni / Donne e TecnologieEdiciones Tecolote / Edufrog / Einaudi Ragazzi / Emergency Italia / Emme Edizioni / FabricUp / Feltrinelli Editore / Fondazione Sodalitas / Futura – Corriere della Sera / Giovanna Piva atelier / Gribaudo / Illozine / Loescher / Missoni / Monkey Records / Opera Décor / PANDORA / Philomèle Editions / Provincia Autonoma di Trento /  Raccontami / Revista Periplo / Soft Revolution / Studio I.F.P. MilanoTeatro Ringhiera ATIR / Terre di mezzo / This Is Not A Love Song / Topipittori / The Color SoupUPPERCASE / Weekendoit / WeWorld Onlus / Zanotta

books (author + illustrator)

Questa notte ha nevicato, Topipittori, 2017

books (illustrator)

Arturo, written by Davide Cali, Bruaà Editora 2012
Simon et Naslat, written by Hélène Rice, Philomèle Editions 2013
Favole per bambini zen, Editori Internazionali Riuniti 2013
Jane, HOP! Edizioni, 2018
Il viaggio di Cam, written by Arianna Giorgia Bonazzi, Carthusia Edizioni, 2019
Un dicembre rosso cuore, written by Ivan Sciapeconi, Einaudi Ragazzi, 2019
Perché? 100 storie di filosofi per ragazzi curiosi, written by Umberto Galimberti, Irene Merlini, Maria Luisa Petruccelli, Feltrinelli 2019
100 storie di atleti per piccoli e grandi campioni, by Giorgio Cabello, Gribaudo 2019
Gesti gentili a Natale, by Giuditta Campello, Emme Edizioni, 2020

Storie della buonanotte per bambine Ribelli, Mondadori Ragazzi, 2021
Rughe. Storia di un nonno, by David Grossman, Mondadori Ragazzi, 2021
L’album del Divisionismo, a cura di G. Ginex, Electa, 2021

self-publishing: Red Boots books

Aria, printed in March 2014
Nom de plume, printed in October 2014   SOLD OUT
Souvenir, printed in March 2015
Corpo Celeste – printed in April 2016
Giorno d’estate, printed in May 2017    SOLD OUT
Tregua, printed in July 2017

books & publications features

The Surface Pattern Design Guide, UPPERCASE magazine, 2017
Making childhood coloful: designing books for children, IMAGES publishing, 2016
UPPERCASE magazine, issue 29, April 2016

web features + interviews

Antenata / Carta Resistente / PICAME / the Design Potthe setup / Terre di Mezzo / The ColorsoupTopipittori / Women Who Draw


After a bachelor in Cultural Anthropology and a Cinematography degree, I have started working for a video production company by day, while taking drawing and printing techniques classes by night.
I’ve been a videomaker for about four years before deciding to devote myself solely to ink, pencils and paper. Practising different kinds of visual language, I finally understood which was mine.

Now I work as a freelance illustrator with italian and foreign publishers, drawing and designing books and children’s books, covers and illustrations for press. My books have been published in Italy, France, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil and Korea. At the beginning of 2014 I finally founded my own little self-publishing label called Red Boots, to print and publish some of my picture book projects.

My work often breaks the margins of the sheets of paper, through the creation of puppets, toys and surface designs. I also collaborate with theater companies in scenography, puppetry and live painting.

solo show

* Tregua, Ratatà festival, Macerata, 2018

* Bianca come la neve, galleria MIRROR, Vicenza, novembre 2017

* Aspettando la neve, biblioteca di Melegnano (MI), novembre 2017

* retrospettiva: 2010-2016, biblioteca Zara + Bookcity, Milano, novembre 2016

collective exhibitions (to update)

* Libri Liberi, Milonga Cornici, Milano, 2016
* Librimmaginari: avventure dello sguardo, Viterbo, 2015
* Laboratorio presso ATIR Teatro Ringhiera, Milano, 2014
* See America, Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, New York, 2014
* Librimmaginari: Funes o della memoria, Viterbo, 2013
* L’autre – SKIN, Mairie de Paris-salle d’exposition, Paris, 2013
* From there to now, MiCamera, Milan, 2013
* #speciedispazi, SiFest(OFF), Savignano, 2013
* Figuratevi…  Immagini come farfalle, Perugia, 2013
* Amoilsolstiziodestate! AI Lunch Break, online summer gallery, 2013
* Libretto Postale – Animali in viaggio, travelling exhibition, 2013
* In Corridoio, Milano, 2012
* Ribellezza, mostra online, 2012
* Muro come un pesce, Termoli, 2012
* Disegni all’asta, Galleria Affiche, Milano, 2012
* Immaginari Emiliani, artisti in mostra per l’Emilia, 2012
* Librimmaginari, Viterbo, 2012
* Loja de Briquedos, Bologna, 2012
* E’ la Liguria terra leggiadra, Milano, 2012
* illustrAzioni in corso per il FAI, Villa Necchi Campiglio, Milano, 2011
* Abbracciando la natura, Milano, 2010
* 100 illustratori per i bambini di Gaza, Galleria Affiche, Milano, 2010
* Vanitas Fair, Artelier Mècano ,Trieste, 2009








